Our Purpose

Ensuring employees value their benefits is what Touchpoints is all about.
We do it by empowering employees with the information and knowledge they need to make the best possible benefit choices and utilization decisions for themselves and their families.
We Believe
  • Employees who understand their benefits, value their benefits
  • Employees who value their benefits:
    • Take more responsibility for their health
    • Are wiser, more responsible benefit consumers
    • Become better company advocates
  • Every employee matters and deserves the best possible benefits regardless of the size of their employer
  • Employers have an easier time attracting and retaining talent when employees value their benefits
  • Benefit advisory firms play an irreplaceable role in the creation, management and communication of highly effective and sustainable benefits programs
Our Core Strategies
  • Partner with benefit advisory firms to develop and implement year-round employee communication programs for every company we serve
  • Develop strategic, purposeful communications programs that align with, and contribute to the achievement of, each employer’s business goals
  • Eliminate all hands-on, low-value tasks benefit advisors and HR professionals traditionally associate with the implementation of year-round employee communication programs
  • Include spouses and dependents in every communication program
Ensuring employees value their benefits is what Touchpoints is all about.
By delivering highly effective, year-round benefits communication