Start Outperforming

Whether you are a Trusted Benefit Advisor or an Employer we have the tools to help you Start Outperforming

Exploring how a partnership with Touchpoints empowers you to continuously outperform expectations begins with a Discovery Conversation.

No obligation, no pressure, just an open and honest look at where you are today, where you want to be in the future, and how you will get there.

No matter what happens, and even if we never speak again, you will walk away with some valuable insight and action items.

Schedule your Discovery Conversation
Here is a brief description of the process we use to ensure our benefit advisory partners continuously outperform expectations.
Opportunity Assessment
Case-by-case, advisor-by-advisor, or agency-wide, we have a simple, quick and easy method for identifying the opportunities where benefits communications delivered in the Touchpoints way can help you land new business or protect and grow existing accounts.
One-client Test Drive
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are lasting, expectation outperforming relationships. That’s why we let you stick your toe in the water with a low-risk, one-client test drive. We will prove our value while making you look great.
Ongoing Business Development Support and Project Implementation
Similar to our Communication Blueprint process, we work with your agency and individual advisors to develop a partnership plan that specifically fits your growth and client relationship opportunities and challenges.
Performance Review and Opportunity Update
We measure our performance and the performance of the Communication Blueprints we implement on your behalf. On a regular basis, dictated by your preferences, we will use the data and information we continuously gather to identify opportunities to improve our mutual performance.

Creating and executing a benefits communication program that outperforms expectations begins with a detailed, thorough Discovery Process.

Whether directly with the employer’s management and HR team, or in collaboration with a trusted benefits advisor, we identify and clarify the most essential outcomes while exploring all aspects of the employer’s existing benefits environment.

Our experience and ability to look beyond the obvious empowers us to quickly identify obstacles to overcome, opportunities to exploit, and craft a simple, powerful set of key performance indicators.

Everything then goes into the next stage of our process; the development of a unique, employer-specific Communication Blueprint.

Schedule your no obligation, stress-free Informal Discovery Conversation now.

Here is a brief description of the process that follows discovery.

Communication Blueprint
The key components of a Communication Blueprint are:
Strategic business plan alignment
Primary messages (long-term)
Problem areas to focus on
New opportunities to promote
Employer Brand Development strategies
Educational Imperatives: what your employees need to learn, understand, believe
Essential Outcomes and KPIs
Communication calendar and timeline
We dedicate one of our team members to the oversight and proactive implementation of your Communications Blueprint. This includes:
Touchpoints HUB programming, activation and ongoing content management
Utilization of appropriate Touchpoints communication tools and channels
Set up of employer-specific Performance Dashboards
Strategic partner/vendor integration as needed, e.g.: HR admin platform, decision assist…)
Performance Dashboard Monitoring
The Touchpoints team continuously monitors your Performance Dashboards to proactively recommend plan adjustments as needed. We also conduct an annual Performance Dashboard Review to continuously improve plan performance.
Schedule your no obligation, stress-free Informal Discovery Conversation now.
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